Indiana Jones And The Raiders Of The Lost Ark, Belloq's Floorplan To The Map Room (Andyana Jones)

replica movie prop

After getting Toht's copy of the headpiece, Belloq incorrectly located the Well of the Souls with the help of his drawings of the Tanis map room. Belloq's drawings are done on Nazi grid paper, all his notes in his native language, French. He clearly states where he believes the Well of the Souls to be (along with the Ark). As we know, Belloq's staff was too long, so he points to the wrong structure. (The Ark was found in the larger building to the east). Beside Belloq's Well of the Souls is written in French: "According to Toht's headpiece, the Ark must be within this building". Also on this plan are several drawings found on the walls of the Map Room, including Shishak depicted as the Egyptian god Horus, and the ark itself. The bottom of the map is signed and dated by Belloq. The entire floorplan is carefully aged with coffee. The whole map based on those that Indy Magnoli did. A great prop replicator. There are two in my collection. One is made by Magnoli, the other one is made by myself using authentic drawing tools. Andyana Jones

prop: collector:
category: other replicas
type: movie props
celebrity: Paul Freeman (18)
original (2)  |  replica (16)
movie: Indiana Jones And The Raiders Of The Lost Ark (1981)
original (94)  |  replica (442)
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