Back To The Future 2, BTTF 2 MARTY'S 2015 JACKET

replica movie costume

This is a Replica I make of Marty's 2015 Jacket. It has the rubber outside and the stand-out sleeves. You can wear it and has the same recorded message like in the film with the push of a button.
costume: collector:
category: other replicas
type: costumes/wardrobe
celebrity: Michael J. Fox (397)
original (56)  |  replica (341)
movie: Back To The Future 2 (1989)
original (135)  |  replica (510)
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Do you still make these? [by mr2nut123 ]
I love it. Must have [by BanthaFodder ]
Love this! you got it spot on! even has the recorded message! How did you do that? [by Annisse ]
i love that jacket. Where can i get it [by Frattu85 ]
very nice jacket, I'd like one to complete my 2015 costume [by Razimus ]
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** The content of this listing is the sole responsibility of BTTF123., its owners, agents and assigns assume no liability.

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