Land of the Dead, Animtronic Zombie Bust

original movie prop

A hero animatronic head from the 2005 George A. Romero horror film Land of the Dead. The head can be seen in the film as an apparently headless zombie approaches but then the head snaps back from behind the body and bites the victim.

The piece, which extends all the way to the top of the chest, is made of foam latex that has been detailed to resemble a zombie featuring a partially severed head. The head features resin teeth, eyes, and hand-punched hair; there is even a foam spine inside the neck wound along with red and yellow guts. A metal rod is fitted internally which runs throughout, with untested electronics inside the fiberglass shell in the head which would have allowed the mouth and jaw to move for the production. A T-shirt is fitted around the fibreglass frame around the shoulders.

prop: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: movie props
coa issued by: Propstore of London (1055)
original (1039)  |  replica (16)
movie: Land of the Dead (2005)
original (19)  |  replica (1)
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