Aliens, Alien / Aliens Original Weapons

original movie prop weapon

Alien - Sigourney Weaver Hero functional flamethrower (now decommissioned).
Alien - Sigourney Weaver harpoon gun used to shoot Alien creature out of the air lock at the end of the movie.
Aliens - Hero Pulse rifle - this was the fully practical version that contains both machine gun and shotgun - now decommissioned but still has that 'lock and load' slide action on the pump shotgun.
Aliens - Sentry Gun and power / ammo pack, spare ammo / power pack.
Smart Gun - Used by both Vasquez and Drake at different times - this is confirmed by the fact that the white lettering painted differently for each characters gun is still visible on the side of the gun - just slightly mixed as they have used it for one character and then over painted for the second.
prop: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: prop weapons
coa issued by: Propstore of London (1055)
original (1039)  |  replica (16)
movie: Aliens (1986)
original (136)  |  replica (294)
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dang man decommissioned the pusle rifle and flame thrower/incinerater. i wish they at least left the pusle rifle alone i always had wanted to shoot one even if was not real puslerounds. great collection i wish i were only born earlyer to have a chance at getting to see them work [by camoman ]
Incredible collection! [by simon lee ]
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