Doctor Who, Ace's (Sophie Aldred) Earring from Dr. Who

original movie costume

Iconic WW2 stick grenade earring worn by Sophie Aldred as The 7th Doctor's companion, Ace. This was originally purchased at Cybercon 1991 from John Nathan-Turner. The button to its left was also used on Doctor Who, but JNT was not able to actually identify whose it was or which episode it came from. There's a possibility it was on Ace's jacket (left side) during "Rememberance of the Daleks." Any further information would be welcome.

costume: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: costumes/wardrobe
coa issued by: Mark Short (3)
celebrity: Sophie Aldred (2)
movie: Doctor Who (TV) (1963)
original (102)  |  replica (95)
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