Back To The Future 2, 2015 NIKE FOOTWEAR BAG

replica movie prop

This is my 1st Replica of the 2015 Nike Black Bag seen when Doc pulls it out of the Delorean and has the 2015 Nikes, and Jacket. This one is very screen accurate and opens just like the real one.
prop: collector:
category: other replicas
type: movie props
celebrity: Michael J. Fox (397)
original (56)  |  replica (341)
movie: Back To The Future 2 (1989)
original (135)  |  replica (510)
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This is very cool. I am trying to asseble a 2015 costume from various sources. The hat shoes and jacket are all accessable except this bag. How did you make it? Could you make one if I wanted to buy one? If not, could you tell me how to make it? Much respect, great prop. [by nicofett ]
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