Friday the 13th, Part 5: A New Beginning, 1:1 Dick Warlock mask ensemble

replica movie prop

This is my faithful reproduction of the cowl and mask used on the set of Friday the 13th Part 5 by actor Tom Morga as Jason Voorhees. Stunt coordinator Dick Warlock owned the original pieces from 1985 until 2012 when he sold it. The hockey mask is a Project82 mask by Crash that was re-dremeled and repainted by me. The cowl is a repainted David Miller Creations mask. Wooden board from Home Depot. This piece was sold years ago.

prop: collector:
category: other replicas
type: movie props
celebrity: Tom Morga (7)
original (2)  |  replica (5)
movie: Friday the 13th, Part 5: A New Beginning (1985)
original (3)  |  replica (15)
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