Tron: Legacy, "The Digital Frontier" by Kevin Flynn

replica movie prop

This is a fan-made replica of the book written by Kevin Flynn, as seen in the film. Very thick, weighing almost two pounds, it measures 9.1 inches by 6.1 inches. It includes a title page, a dedication page, and an introductory page at the beginning, with a special typed "Page 75" near the middle (page 221). The rest of the 448 pages in the book are simply blank notation pages. It also includes two differently designed dust jackets (as shown in the second pic).

prop: collector:
category: other replicas
type: movie props
serial number: TRN-005
celebrity: Jeff Bridges (28)
original (26)  |  replica (2)
movie: Tron: Legacy (2010)
original (15)  |  replica (19)
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