Halloween (Rob Zombie's), Sheriff Brackett's Hero Book (The Devil's Eyes)

original movie prop

This is the only copy of The Devils Eyes that appears in the final cuts of the film (Theatrical and Directors Cut). Its from the scene in Brackett's office and can be screen matched without any doubt. The nicks and folds can clearly be seen on screen along with a few other matches that I prefer to keep private.  I've included a photo of it next to my hero copy of the book from H2 which has the complete photo inserts and was signed during production to Chet by Sam Loomis.  This is the only true set of hero books that exists from both films.

prop: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: movie props
coa issued by: Premiere Props (2219)
original (2217)  |  replica (2)
movie: Halloween (Rob Zombie's) (2007)
original (135)  |  replica (56)
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