Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, Han Solo's DL-44 Blastech Blaster

replica movie prop weapon

Originally designed by Blastech, the DL-44 found increased use at the hands of outlaws and smugglers, (as well as the Rebel Alliance), due to the fact that it was well known for being able to penetrate stormtrooper armor. This caused the Empire to put a restriction order upon this particular model, forbidding it's purchase and ownership by non-imperial personnel. It was the weapon of choice for Han Solo, who removed the barrel-sight to facilitate his fast-draw. They were also the anti-infantry weapon of choice for the Rebel vanguards. This is the "Master Replicas" version of Han's blaster as seen in THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK.
prop: collector:
category: other replicas
type: prop weapons
celebrity: Harrison Ford (593)
original (69)  |  replica (524)
movie: Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
original (62)  |  replica (291)
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