Star Trek - The Motion Picture, TMP PHASER - TOY UPGRADE

replica movie prop weapon

This isn't a true prop-replica, it's a toy. This is a Playmates Star Trek The Motion Picture Phaser.  I modified this toy years ago, before I had a clear idea of what the controls are supposed to look like. The phaser still runs on two (2) AA batteries and uses its original sound board, but I added a step-up circuit board to give the phaser a working control panel.  The controls are visually interesting, but not screen accurate - pressing one button lights up the  stun / heat / disrupt indicator LEDs on the left side of the panel AND lights up additional bars in the  power level indicator on the right side of the panel.  The 'dilithium cover' still acts as the power on/off switch. I repainted the phaser for (what I thought was) a more accurate appearance. The revised emitter features four (4) bright yellow LEDs for the 'phaser beam'.

To see more of my work visit my website

Ernie N

prop: collector:
category: other replicas
type: prop weapons
movie: Star Trek - The Motion Picture (1979)
original (43)  |  replica (79)
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