Doom, Goat shotgun stunt prop weapon

original movie prop

Goat's shotgun is one of the least modified weapons of the film, and is used quite sparingly throughout - only seen fired once, and carried by Ben Daniels as Goat and also Razaaq Adoti as Duke. The shotgun's lack of serious presence in the film angered many within the hardcore Doom fanbase, who considered it to be one of, if not the, pinnacle weapons of the games aside from the BFG.

Comes with COAfrom propstore


prop: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: movie props
coa issued by: Propstore of London (1054)
original (1038)  |  replica (16)
celebrity: Ben Daniels (3)
movie: Doom (2005)
original (72)  |  replica (6)
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