Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, FAMOUS Arrow Splitting Arrow. Screen Matched

original movie prop weapon

This was one of the robin hood arrows I discovered over painstakingly going through each type of arrow, then each type of feather cut, then counting the number of wraps, then locating the only one possible as it has 9 wraps, then I noticed the grain on the arrow that matched perfectly with the closeup. There is a new stain from being dirty in storage, between the feathers. The tip came off and there is a little bit of glue at the end where they may have removed the tip and glued it in place to complete the shot of the arrow splitting scene. This has been a truly extra-ordinary find!!!
prop: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: prop weapons
movie: Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (1991)
original (57)  |  replica (5)
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Thanks. These things are like total accidents and its so weird when it happens. Almost literally a needle in a haystack:) [by screencaptured ]
There's something very satisfying about perfectly screen matching a piece like that. Congrats! [by rkpetersen ]
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