Mission: Impossible, Ethan Hunt's (Tom Cruise) Screen Used Firecase & Gadgets

original movie prop

Tom Cruise "Ethan Hunt" hero firecase from Mission Impossible. (Paramount, 1996) This signature hero firecase was used by Tom Cruise as "Ethan Hunt" as a fire fighter in order to access CIA headquarters. This octagonal aluminum "Fairfax F+R Dept" firecase is full of various high tech gadgets including the device that diverted the laser beams from the cooling duct vent, the twin drill mechanism which extracted the cooling duct vent screws, as well as the pulleys and leg tether pole with suction cups which he used to descend into the security chamber. All of the pieces are meticulously made from lightweight aluminum and still function. A wonderful group of high tech props from the film.

prop: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: movie props
celebrity: Tom Cruise (117)
original (82)  |  replica (35)
movie: Mission: Impossible (1996)
original (8)  |  replica (11)
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